Even Beautiful, successful, talented FAMOUS people have mental disorders that they have to deal with. Check back daily for more videos added! 🙂

You are not alone in any of this. Or maybe you are helping out a friend. What ever it may be, just know no matter what you have done and no matter what illness or how many illness’s/disorders you have: You are Beautiful in your own unique way! Above each video you will find descriptions of what you will be watching, what famous star it is, and possibly a few positive words from me to you!! –


For example: Catherine Zeta-Jones has Bi-polar illness/disorder and her video is below.


Now in this video, you’ll notice how “normal” she seems. A word that is commonly used and abused. There is NO normal or abnormal. There is INDIVIDUALS! We are all in-di-vid-u-als! Stay strong. And stay confident in who you are! Don’t ever let society tell you anything negative about yourself. -Nicole ❤


Next is another clip of Demi Lovato! You will notice how confidently she says,”Yes, I have bi-polar disorder and its a disease.” Thats not word for word but that part really stood out to me. She is so full of life! One of my main inspirations!! Enjoy! -Nicole ❤


Demi Lovato also speaks out on issues she had before going into treatment (where she found out she had bipolar disorder) which was bulimic, anorexic, cutting herself, drugs and alcohol.

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